Winfried Mall
Basic Communication
About me:
in 1952
- three times father
- living in St. Gallen (Switzerland)
with my second wife since
Studies and trainings
- Studies in remedial education
(Heilpädagogik) at the
Kath. Fachhochschule für Sozialwesen Freiburg (Catholic College
for Social Matters), finished 1978 with a diploma as
Diplom-Heilpädagoge (FH)
Training in Integrative Body Therapie with Retarded People
(Institut Heel, Thijs Besems, Megen, NL)
Training as a "Praxisbegleiter" (counsellor) in institutions for
handicapped people (Diakonische Akademie Stuttgart)
Training in Quality Management in Institutions for the Youth and
the Handicapped (Institut für Qualitätsentwicklung, Köln)
- Basic training course in
Post-graduate studies
"CAS Leadership" at the IAP Zürich and Hochschule Luzern,
Professional experience
- 10 years of experience in remedial
education in institutions for persons with mental retardation
(counselling and therapy service)
- 15 years of experience in ambulant
counselling of people with a chronic psychiatric disease
- 3 years employment (30%) at a day care centre for
severely handicapped adults
- 5 years head of team of
attendants (80%) for a group of elderly residents at
a residential institution for people with mental retardation in
eastern Switzerland
- active in vocational training and schools
- 30 years experience in freelance
training, and supervision
- Publications in books and periodicals
My main themes:
- Basic Communication
- Sensory-motor development
- Counselling in special education
- behaviour problems with people with
mental retardation
- autistic behaviour with people with
mental retardation
- counselling in institutions for
people with mental retardation
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